For Flood Victims in Poland - they need your help!
For Flood Victims in Poland - they need your help!
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Hello, Good People!
After heavy rainfalls we had the flood.
The cold and dark days are coming way too fast...
We are the team from the A.M. Ledowski Veterinary Clinic in Bystrzyca Kłodzka. Many of you know us because we treat your patients - so you know that for us nothing is impossible - we are always ready to help, and not only the pets. In these dramatic circumstances after the flood in our region, we also undertook a task that greatly limits work in the clinic.
We are planning a cyclical collection because we know perfectly well that flood victims need help for much longer than at the moment - now everyone is very concerned about them, in a month they will only have help from offices that operate as always - chaotically and without any logistical preparation... we have been seeing this with our own eyes since the big water swept our homes away...
We collect money ONLY for help tools targeted at SPECIFIC people in the villages of the Kłodzko Valley.
YOUR HELP IS WORTH WEIGHT IN GOLD - we clean and provide everything for people in the worst conditions... the families that we help everyday include:
Mrs. URSZULA from Kłodzko, Korczaka Street
Mr. Andrzej from Ołdrzychowice Kłodzkie, Gromadzka Street
Mrs. Jadwiga, Krosnowice 35
Mrs. Ola, Krosnowice 191
in the photos below, you can see what are their living conditions now - it's truly heartbreaking...
we are starting everything from scratch - we have launched not only a Great Team of Helpers, but also organized dehumidifiers that were given to us by generous donors <3. Right now we plan to look for furniture and some necessary equipment for the families for which we work everyday.
Thank you very much for every euro of support, because we will spend it on everything that is the most important right now!
With one small gesture you can improve someone's living conditions.
We collect money ONLY for specific help addressed to SPECIFIC people in the villages of the Kłodzko Valley.
our warehouse is being filled up with more and more everyday stuff that we deliver to people in need everyday:
We have a warehouse in Bystrzyca, we have a team of efficient volunteers, we have the strength and willingness to make someone's life easier, even by giving them dry socks and a flashlight, because living in a ruined house, where there is no electricity and where you live in wet walls, is something that you don't wish it on your worst enemy...
Since the flood took over our region and other places in southern Poland, we have been wholeheartedly committed to providing help - where others cannot reach, because it is mainly the larger cities that receive aid organized by large institutions or aid organizations.
It is to them - in the smallest villages and towns cut off from the world - that we address ourselves primarily.
We gather with a team of a dozen people, two or three cars, full of products necessary in such a situation - food, of course, but also cleaning products, household chemicals, gloves, shovels, toilet paper, flashlights or blankets and clothing, where necessary. We carry everything on our own feet, because the roads are often washed away and impassable - and this is where NO help reaches. These are many families simply left to their own devices... To say it's a drama is to say nothing.
These people were left with nothing. Winter is coming and it will get worse - shorter days and colder nights, when they will not even have anything to warm themselves or cook - because they often have no gas or electricity... they will often not have clean underwear, socks or warmer clothes, because the water destroyed everything - from furniture, through clothes, to walls... they live in damp, cold ruins that will take months to clean and renovate...
Winter is coming. And we are here to help them - over and over until they get back on their feet... and that is why we, dear friends and strangers, are asking you for any donations - one-time or cyclical, as long as there is such a pressing need - share with them what you can. Give them the feeling that they are not alone.
We need money for everything and anything - new blankets, new socks, new toothbrushes.. and much more expensive things as gas ovens, washing machines, some pieces of basic furniture... everything that water took away from them.
but most of all - we need to pay for gas to get things there - financial support to be able to reach those most affected on an ongoing basis, of whom there are thousands in the Klodzko Valley...
As a clinic, we do not currently deal exclusively with four-legged patients because we don't have time for that. We have no new revenues, and our resources have dwindled very quickly... However, we know that there are urgent matters that need to be organized here and now, before the first frosts come.
We are here to help. Help us help them. Help people who survived this cataclysm to forget, at least a little, that they experienced such trauma... Help them regain at least some dignity, thanks to our common efforts. We don't ask for more...
Thank you for every gesture of sincere help from the bottom of our hearts!
The Ledowski Team

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