id: 27wh8j

Neka help na homelessnichita

Neka help na homelessnichita

Original Bulgarian text translated into English

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Original Bulgarian text translated into English

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Hello, my name is Maria from Sofia I regularly help homeless babies, I feed them and sometimes they need vaccines without which they can not.It breaks mygSqYhggyT3ohHyLW.jpgheart to see them like this especially little babies them when I have the opportunity to take them home and look for shelter. Since I was a little girl it has been my dream to become a veterinarian and to help animals because I adore them so much they are so sweet and kind, but unfortunately there are bad owners who have not yet understood what a living and sincere soul is.I am sorry that this is the way people think, so I am turning to you for help, who is willing to help and support me even with a little money will be very grateful to you remember that the good comes back twice. utG8jpGJ2E9XBLab.jpgunyoFKjdipARrROE.jpg

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