id: 267wtd

Missing for the roof

Missing for the roof

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What is needed is a roof 👍Together with you dear donors we built this house for a family with 5 children and we have not finished it. 😞

wYTxbOIOheJgVQmI.pngThis is the continuation of the Collection "rebuilding a destroyed house "

From this place, I thank ❤️ once again all the donors.I sincerely thank ❤️ everyone without exception because for us, even a zloty contributed by one of the donors was a gift coming from the heart ❤️ Thank you ❤️


Your good deeds have shown these people that they are not condemned to homelessness.

All the details of the project are described in the first drop 👆above I have uploaded the link for those interested.

The only thing we lacked was a roof and possibly a new laundry and bathroom, which is very damaged by the sun's rays and heavy rain.

IPEICebxw59GWLEA.jpgI believe we will succeed this time too! 🙏🙏🙏

Maybe I believe in miracles , but I know that there are people who are not indifferent to the suffering of others and I thank you for that dear ones.❤️


Why were we not enough for the roof? Because these less visible building materials are not taken into account like rebar metal, like the changing price of cement, nails and sheet metal, as well as trusses, the prices are moving like with us. We counted but it was not enough.🤔🤔🤔

TMwrwR9nhCDWq7XB.jpgA house without a roof will not help a family to live without fear . Please🙏 let's not leave them alone with this problem🙏

5 children live in a house with a hole in the roof and a scarred truss . The family makes a living from farming and fishing , the chance to save funds is not possible for the time being with a large family . The old roof won't hold much, it lets everything through.

e16XHGiwM2AYX3oH.jpgI share the entire progress of the work in the news of the previous collection and on my collection fb page.

The second collection is dedicated to helping David complete his schooling

I am also including a link to another collection I created and am also supporting.

Of course, the collections are verified with documents that prove their credibility. Those who have organised a collection themselves know what the verification is and what documents are needed.🙏

If you feel you can do something, even if you think it's not enough DO IT!!!🙏Because donations coming from the need of the heart are priceless gifts. Even when you share this collection with others it means a lot.

Thank you for that too❤️

You never know what's waiting for you, for me around the bend, you don't know if in a moment you yourself or I won't be in need. That's why I help and also ask for help.🙏

Because good always comes back.

"A man is great not by what he possesses

but by what he is, not by what he has

but by what he shares with others".

St.John Paul II

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Donations 1

4 €


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